【计算机视觉领域】常用的 feature 提取方法,feature 提取工具包
利用 VL 工具包进行各种特征的提取:
VL 工具包官网地址:http://www.vlfeat.org/index.html
%% Extract Every kind of Features
% the VL_tool box for feature extraction. clc; run('/home/wangxiao/Documents/MATLAB/vlfeat-0.9.20-bin/vlfeat-0.9.20/toolbox/vl_setup.m')imagePath = '/home/wangxiao/Documents/Sun-80-dataset/Sun_80_dataset/train_image_sun_256_256/' ;Labeled_data = importdata('/home/wangxiao/Documents/Sun-80-dataset/Sun_80_dataset/SUN100_Label_train_0.5_.txt');Unlabel_data = importdata('/home/wangxiao/Documents/Sun-80-dataset/Sun_80_dataset/SUN100_Unlabel_train_0.5_.txt');for i = 1:size(Labeled_data.data, 1)
imageName = Labeled_data.textdata{i, 1}; % image = imread([imagePath, imageName]); image = imread('/home/wangxiao/Pictures/wallhaven-382471.png'); image = imresize(image, [224, 224]); % change the image into single precision. figure; imshow(image); imgs = im2single(rgb2gray(image)) ;
%% use vl_covdet to compute and visualize co-variant features.%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
frames = vl_covdet(imgs, 'verbose') ; hold on ; vl_plotframe(frames) ; % visualize the features.
%% use vl_hog to extract the hog feature.%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
cellSize = 8 ; hog = vl_hog(imgs, cellSize, 'verbose') ; imhog = vl_hog('render', hog, 'verbose') ; clf ; imagesc(imhog) ; colormap gray ;
%% use vl_sift to extract the sift feature.%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
[f,d] = vl_sift(imgs) ; perm = randperm(size(f,2)) ; sel = perm(1:50) ; h1 = vl_plotframe(f(:,sel)) ; h2 = vl_plotframe(f(:,sel)) ; set(h1,'color','k','linewidth',3) ; set(h2,'color','y','linewidth',2) ;
%% use vl_mser to extact the mser feature.%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
I = uint8(rgb2gray(image)) ; [r,f] = vl_mser(I,'MinDiversity',0.7,... 'MaxVariation',0.2,... 'Delta',10) ; f = vl_ertr(f) ; vl_plotframe(f) ; M = zeros(size(I)) ; for x=r' s = vl_erfill(I,x) ; M(s) = M(s) + 1; end figure(2) ; clf ; imagesc(I) ; hold on ; axis equal off; colormap gray ; [c,h]=contour(M,(0:max(M(:)))+.5) ; set(h,'color','y','linewidth',3) ;
%% use vl_quickseg to execute Quick shift.
I = uint8(rgb2gray(image));
ratio = 0.5; kernelsize = 2; maxdist = 50; ndists = 10; Iseg = vl_quickseg(I, ratio, kernelsize, maxdist); Iedge = vl_quickvis(I, ratio, kernelsize, maxdist, ndists) ; imagesc(Iedge); axis equal off tight; colormap gray;end